53A-307 – Relay Driver Card
53A-742 – Analog Cable. or
53A-780 – Hooded Connector
• Controls up to 40 independent external relays
• Each channel sinks up to 100 rnA at up to 50V
• Turn on/turn off delay of less than 1 µsec
• May also be used to drive digital circuitry
In ATE Systems, it is often desirable to locate relay switches immediately adjacent to the UUT in order to keep test signal cable runs as short as possible. The 53A-307 Relay Driver Card accomplishes this objective while providing ATE Systems designers with a convenient method of controlling up to forty independent external relays. These external relays may be randomly opened or closed by transmitting ASCII characters from the system controller. The 53A-307 can also be used for programmable microwave filters attenuators and switches, and to supply logic levels.
The Relay Driver Card is designed for use in any system card slot. The control output to external relays is via Darlington pair drivers which can sink up to 100 milliamps of current at a collector-emitter voltage ranging from 1 to 50 volts. The forty output drivers contain built-in transient suppression diodes. Diagnostics are provided by LED indicators on the Card.
A column of fourteen LEDs provides Built-In-Test Equipment (“BITE”). Via the step switch, the LEDs provide the user a visual indication showing which of the forty output drivers are on.
40 open-collector Darlington pair drivers.
Each Driver:
Collector/emitter Saturation Voltage, 1.1 V max.
Max Collector Current, 100 mA. *
Collector/emitter Breakdown Voltage, 50V max.
*Consult factory for higher current ratings.
Turn-on/off Delay:
1 µsec max.**
**Time from receipt of command until driver is fully on or off.
Programmed By:
ASCII Characters.
Recommended Cables:
Typical Applications
The illustration below demonstrates the 53A-307 Card being used to control an independent external relay. The system controller would send the characters – @01C01L – to close the external relay (assuming that the 53A-307 Card had address 1 and was located in the mainframe with address O). The external relay in this example would be connected to control line number 1.