53A-286 – Hex Programmabre Isolated Amplifier Card
53A-780 – Hooded Connector
• Six single-ended isolation amplifiers
• Six programmable gains per channel
• Maximum output of 50V at 30 mA
The 53A-286 provides six independently isolated, independently programmable high-voltage amplifiers. Each amplifier can be programmed for a gain of zero, one, two, three, four or five. The maximum output range is +50V when a gain of five has been selected. At 50 volts, the maximum available current is 30 mA over a dc to 40 KHz frequency range. In addition, all outputs are short circuit protected.
Twelve LEDs provide Built-In-Test Equipment (“BITE”) for the isolated gain amplifier. The channel LEDs indicate the last channel addressed, while the gain LEDs indicate the last gain command selected.
Six independent programmable, isolated amplifiers.
Programmable Gain (each channel): X0, XI, X2, X3, X4, X5.
Type Input:
Single-ended, DC coupled.
Input Impedance:
1 MOhm shunted by <50 pf
Input Range:
±10V peak.
Maximum Input (without damage):
±105V peak.
Output Isolation:
1000V dc or 240V RMS output to individual channel input.
Output Range:
±50V peak.
Output Current:
30 mA at ±50V dc, maximum load 2 KOhms.
Short Circuit 50 mA.
External Power:
An external power supply (minimum +32V dc) must be used with this card. It is recommended that the supply be chosen so that it supplies a minimum of 10 volts more than the maximum desired output voltage level.
Gain Error, adjustable to <0.2% at gain X3 with potentiometer.
Non-linearity. ±0.1% FSR.
Gain vs. Temp, 20 µV/°C.
Offset vs. Temp, 3 mV/°C
Offset vs. Time, 350 µV/month.
Frequency Response
(full load, ±50V output):
30 KHz, <±1.0 dB.
40 KHz, <±3.0 dB.
Slew Rate:
0.5V µsec.
Settling Time (0.1%):
100 µsec.
Programmed By:
ASCII Characters.
Recommended Cable: