53A-540B – Ouad Totalizing Counter Card
OPT 1V – Add VXIbus Compatibility
53A-731 – Data Cable. or
53A-780 – Hooded Connector
• 4 independent 12 MHz totalizing counters with adjustable thresholds
• May be read “on-the-fly” without interrupting counter operation
• Usable for up/down counting, frequency measurement, period measurement and as an integrator with a V/F converter
• Counts up to 9,999,999,999 at frequencies of up to 12 MHz
The 53A-540B Card provides four independent ten-digit totalizing counters, with adjustable input thresholds. Events can be counted at a rate of up to five million events per second. In addition, the Card has four memories ten digits deep to facilitate “reading on-the-fly” (the counter will continue counting while a reading is taken).
Up-Down Counting
Two of the four counters can be utilized together to provide up-down counting. The up pulses are fed into one counter and the down pulses into another. At any time the data in both counters can be simultaneously read and the difference calculated by the system controller (calculator or computer).
Frequency Counter
The Card can also be used as three frequency counters with the unknown signals input to three counters and a known reference signal supplied to the fourth counter (reference signals from a crystal time base are provided at the front edge connector of the Card).
Period Measurement
Using the individual counter TTL compatible gate inputs, the periods of four single-shot input signals can be measured.
This Card is ideal for those applications which require the integration of an analog voltage over either a long period of time or a programmable length of time.
Built-In-Test Equipment (“BITE”) is provided by a column of eight LEOs. Four LEDs indicate the last counter addressed by the system controller and four other LEOs, one for each counter, will light when the input signal is more positive than the threshold voltage setting.
Counting Frequency:
DC to 12 MHZ.
Number of Counters:
Number of Digits per Counter:
Programmed By:
ASCII Characters.
Individual counters can cause a system interrupt prior to overflow.
Signal Inputs
(two per counter, lX and 15X):
1X Input
DC to 1 MHZ, 300 mV
l MHz to 5 MHz, 500 mV
5 MHz to 12 MHz, 600 mV
1 TTL load.
± 15V to ground.
Slew Rate:
Minimum signal slew rate 700 µsec/V
Minimum Pulse Width:
100 nsec.
Trigger Level:
Internal, continuously variable over the range ±SV
External, variable over the range ±15V
15X Input
DC to 1 MHZ, 4 volts.
1 MHZ to 5 MHZ, 5 volts.
5 MHZ to 12 MHZ, 6 volts.
>0.50 KOhms shunted by < 10 pf.
±250V to ground.
Slew Rate:
Minimum signal slew rate 600 µsec/V
Minimum Pulse Width:
100 nsec.
Trigger Level:
Internal, continuously variable over ±75V
External, using external voltage source, variable over the range ±75V
Counter Gate Input
TTL with 10 KOhm pull-up resistor.
Connecting to ground will inhibit that counter.
Common Gate Input
TTL with 10 KOhm pull-up resistor.
Connecting to ground will inhibit the counting of all counters.
Recommended Cables:
Available Option:
OPT 1V add VXIbus compatibility.