53A-450 – Wire-Wrap Card
OPT 10 – Blank P.C. Card with Ejectors
53A-780 – Hooded Connector
• CDSbus prototyping card for custom applications
• Built-in CDSbus™ interface
• Easy to use
The 53A-450 Wire-Wrap Card is a printed circuit board assembly for use in the CDSbus™ System. The Card is provided with standard interface circuitry including data and timing gates, flag circuitry, interrupt circuitry, and address selection logic. In the space remaining, a pattern of 0.042″ holes is provided on a 0.1-inch grid which allows for the installation of wire-wrap sockets. The 53A-450 Wire-Wrap Card is intended to be used to create special circuit interfaces to the CDSbus System which are not performed by any of the standard system cards.
The LEDs and single step switches on the 53A-171 Control Card provide the Built-In-Test Equipment (“BITE”) required for developing a special circuit on the Wire-Wrap Card.
The backplane communications scheme supported by the system’s cards is bi-directional 8-bit parallel ASCII characters or binary data plus flag, control and I/O. In addition, many functions are available on the backplane which will aid the designer in the development of a special purpose card. These functions include:
1. Address select/interrupt lines (0-9). The Control Card handles all address selection and interrupt signals for the CDSbus System. Address select/interrupt circuitry and an address select switch are provided on the Wire-Wrap Card.
2. Timing pulses T3 through T14. The Control Card provides a non-overlapping reference which may be used to sequence user logic on the Wire-Wrap Card. Each timing pulse is on a separate backplane line and is buffered on the Wire-Wrap Card.
3. The ASCII characters A. B. C, I, J, K, P, Q, R and S are decoded by the Control Card. A line representing each of these characters is available on the backplane. These lines are buffered on the Wire-Wrap Card and are useful in decoded “control commands” to the user built logic on the Wire-Wrap Card.
4. Precision time base. The Control Card provides a 2 MHz, 1 MHz and 100 KHz crystal controlled time base that can be utilized by the Wire-Wrap Card.
5. Stop line. The stop line can be used by the Wire-Wrap Card to set a preset or initial condition.
6. Restart line. The restart line can be used by the Wire-Wrap Card to set a preset or initial condition on power-up only.
7. Binary line. The binary line can be used by the Wire-Wrap Card to input-output 8-bit binary, as well as ASCII characters.
8. An analog bus is available on the backplane to route analog signals between system cards.
9. Power supply voltages: 5V @ 1.5 Ampere per card slot, +15V @ 2 Amperes for entire main-frame (200 mA per slot nominal). -15V @ 2 Amperes for entire mainframe (200 mA per slot nominal).
Recommended Cable:
Available Option:
OPT 10 – blank PC. card with ejectors.